This is the story of the Spineback Wolf.
Just to say out, this is my first serious thing of writing after my last exams.
To make the writing easier for me and maybe easier for you to understand. I will be calling the Spineback Wolf "Spiney".
Before the story I wan't to mention that wolves in this story are EARTH creatures and usually friends of Flesh Golem as they are EARTH aswell
Spiney was a casual wolf.
He lived in his wolfpack and he was a rather healthy wolf. He was a young wolf, when their wolfpack was attacked by Flesh Golem army. The wolfpack ran for their lives, and so did Spiney. Spineys mother was carrying 2 of his brothers and she didn't have room for the third, so Spiney had to use his tiny legs to run for his life, all on his own. The Flesh Golem army started to catch up with Spiney as he fell back from his group, when Spiney saw that running isn't enough to escape with his life, he started looking for a place to hide. He saw a rabbit hole and as one Flesh Golem was about to grab Spineys tail he got into the rabbits hole. Flesh Golem tried to beat the rabbit hole to maybe break it open, but without success. So they went to run after the rest of the wolves. Spiney started thinking about why Flesh Golem would attack them. Only reasonable explanation he found for the behavior of Flesh Golems was that they were really hungry and couldn't resist attacking weak wolves. As time went on Spiney fell asleep in the rabbit hole. He slept and slept for almost 2 days. When he woke up everything was quiet. He tried to peek out of the rabbit hole, and what he saw was devastating for little Spiney. He had ran into the woods of DARK monsters. He wanted to get back into the rabbit hole, but a funny looking creature saw him and grabbed him before he had the chance to. It was a Twisted Jester. Twisted Jester laughed and put spiney into an bag and starting jumping around and laughing and doing all sort of weird stuff. Spiney had no idea what was going on, and he tought that he would not come out of this alive. Twisted Jester had brought Spiney to the Lord of Darkness. Since DARK monsters had never seen an EARTH monster like that before, they didn't know what to think of Spiney, but Lord of Darkness knew exactly. The Lord of Darkness knew that Spiney could possibly be trained to be a very good and powerful pet, especially as Spiney was such a young wolf. But Spineys only tought was how he could escape this madness and get back to his group. He was locked up for a few days, and then the DARK monsters started training him. Spiney was confused and didn't want to do anything he was asked to do. But after they let Spiney starve and when they started beating him, Spiney had no choice but to obey them. After months of training Spiney had learned who is the boss there, and as he knew there was no way to escape this, he had joined the dark side. YES. The DARK monsters had made Spiney into a DARK monster himself. Since the living in the DARK Forest was so hard, to survive there Spineys body had developed this poisonous yellow spikes of fur. Spiney became the pet of Lord of Darkness and he kind of liked it. At least there he was safe from most danger.
This is the story of how and regular wolf in the world of Steemmonsters got chased by Flesh Golems and wandered into the DARK land.
The he was captured and trained to be the pet of Lord of Darkness himself.
Thank you for reading my story of the Spineback Wolf
Ma ei saand munnigi aru aga POHHUI JUBA
Lil Temor