On this sunday, I get the Life Splinter to go with for the quest reward, and games went quite straightforward, so to say...
I am quite fine with getting Life as a quest, as I have Tyrus Paladium on level 3 and I am not that underleveled for my ranking compared to when I get the Water Splinter, for example.
As usual, the links to the replays are listed below and include affiliate:
I am still in Gold 3 League, so I get 6 picks as a reward:
Nice, I get 2 rares again; the Furious Chicken is always nice to have, but the Battle Orca seems somewhat useless at the moment.
I really like the Gelatinous Cube, but I only get one copy of it today; maybe I will get more lucky the next time...
until then, bye.
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