Steemmonsters - bought 400$ Booster Packs

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

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I am now a proud member of the mavericks-house!

Was it worth the effort? I am not sure but who cares. This Game is fun and if I only see the stats it might have been a loss-making deal but I am pretty sure these cards are worth 5 times more soon. I got over 20 Gold cards and 11 Legendaries - I expected to have more power in my battles directly but not really - however - do never give up! Today is the last day of Season 4 - I am seeing tons of opponents right now and it is pretty hard to climb up. Did my first tournaments too - was a lot of fun. Great to have that sick stuff on the Steem Blockchain.

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schön dich auch auf dem "Schlachtfeld" zu sehen - obgleich ich lieber als Sieger raus gegangen wäre ... naja, Revance folgt :)


Ich hänge seit paar Tagen zwischen 4490 und 4609 und komme kaum weiter - hätte besser Fokus auf CL 1 gelegt anstatt mich n Quests zu verzetteln :-)

kenn ich nur zu gut... eben aber endlich noch CL1 geschafft, nachdem ich die letzten Tage quasi in über 100 battlen nicht vom Fleck gekommen bin... nunja, besser spät als nie :)

It indeed is a lot of fun
Also purchased, euhm, 4 booster packs today!
Guess Gold II is my upper limit!

I just used my xmas gift for it to bring some cash from the outside. I am becoming an addict - even more - even I lose to much at the moment.

My first idea was not to buy cards but as addictive as it is. I did!
Now I do have problems with deciding to sell to gold cards to improve my deck ir to treasure them as investment!

Are you planning to sell a lot of cards? I may buy some packs some time, but I'm not a serious player.

I am only selling some Beta - if you need any let me know - you would get a special treat of course of you need something. Just let me know.

Would you be interested in a gold Zinbar Mortalis? I need a regular Hydra and some devine healers and or peacemakers.

hmmm - I actually also need Hydra, Divine Healer and Peacemakers.

Well thats unfortunate, guess I'll just have to keep looking.

It would be fun to have a few more cards to play with, but only if you can spare some.

Let me know what you need

cool, habe jetzt auch begonnen Steem Monsters zu spielen und zu sammeln, ist echt ein cooles Spiel :) bin gespannt, ob die Karten einmal mehr wert werden.

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