Report 1 : Creating My Decks

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

So I spent the first few days creating my decks and battling my way out of Novice.

Here are my decks as they stand now:

The first big thing I did is:

  • Sell my Life AND Death teams... Yes l SOLD THEM!! lol
    Why? Because they are the two most expensive at the moment.

The Death Summoner i sold for $0.77 which I was able to turn around and use to buy two Fire summoners which I could then level up to level two. Two is better than One Right!???

S. Assassin - $0.06; Haunted Spirit - $0.16; An. Corpse - $0.03

And Life team:
Ty. Paladium - $0.31(ugh)

Neutral (a mistake ??):
Cyclops - $0.10; Elven Cutthroat - $0.29

And l sold my Goblin Sorcerer for $0.05 because l bought two Alphas which can level up to lvl2 with just 2 cards instead of 3 like Betas. And they were the same price. So like getting a 1 card discount!!

l bought a Prismatic Energy because it is Neutral and can serve as a good tank and it was cheap: $0.07
Malric inferno - $0.31 and $0.32; Kobold Miner x2 - $0.06 ea; x2 Giant Rocs - $0.04
Alpha Goblin Sorcerers x2 - $0.05 ea (cheaper than Beta)
Alric Stormbr. x2 - $0.42 and 0.43; Alpha Frozen Soldiers x2 - $0.10 ea (same price as Beta)
Creeping Ooze x2 - $0.06 and $0.05; Goblin Mech $0.03; Hobgoblin $0.03
A Gold Sea Genie (lvl 4) - $0.20 because that takes 12 cards to equal and at $0.02ea ... the regular cards would cost me $0.24 to reach lvl 4. So.... seems like a good investment. ...... BUT. Seems l wasn't paying attention and also bought a lvl 3 regular Sea Genie for - $0.10 ... a good deal. but l didn't need it!! Doh!
Sea Monster - $0.05
Got a good deal on a lvl 3 Highland Archer and lvl 2 Rusty Android - $0.09 and $0.05 ea.
Wood Nymph - $0.05; Mushroom Seer $0.04

That puts my purchases in at $3.16 and my sells in at $1.77.
As I said in my first post: l brought over some Doge coin l had earned a couple years ago... that equaled 1.71 SBD. So that covered the balance not earned from selling my starter deck cards. And 0.900 steem (about $0.25) I powered up to help my account run.

Still I ran out of Resource Credits very quickly. That set me back. I had to wait half a day and then l commented on a @steemmonsters recent post that I was out of Resource Credits and they were generous enough to send me 20 SP to help my account run again!!

Thanks Steem Monsters!!!!!

That is all for my initial selling and purchases. How am I doing??

In my next post I will cover where my cards are now and what rewards l have earned by Daily Quests! Check it out!


Nice work you've been doing. For starting out with so little it seems you are putting a lot of thought into it. Idk if I would have gotten rid of two splinter's summoners. That may bite you later if you plan to always do daily quests!!

You may want to put a short image in as your first image. It shows up as your thumbnail and this one was very TALL. LOL.

Yeah, hopefully you can pull some good reward cards from your quests. They can really help you out.

Once signed up you can even upvote your own post every 2 days to help build visibility and earn a little Steem to buy more monsters!!And sign up for Discord and the Steem Monsters channel. There is probably an invite on one of their posts at @steemmonsters

Good luck!

okay Thank you very much!!!

l got my first Steem today from the post i think. You helped me with that some. Thanks so much!!

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