This Card REALLY Needs Some Love [STEEM MONSTERS]

So I was doing a Life Splinter team and had 6 mana left. Was aiming for a ranged unit (hahah pun). Air Elemental is 5 mana, so I looked around if I have anything better for 6.

This pic, with my options side by side, shows exactly why Cyclops SUCKS.


Same attacks & hp for 1 more mana, AND speed of 1 instead of 6. I get that one is Epic and the other is Rare, but I have NEVER used Cyclops. Value-per-mana-wise I get way better off with an Earth Elemental, Peacebringer or Twisted Jester, and I'd still have mana to spare for another card.

Cyclops (and Grumpy Dwarf) are cards that I expect and hope to be buffed pretty soon, else they will just become meme-cards for their uselessness.

What do you think? Am I too harsh? Did you ever find a use for Cyclops in your team? Do things change in higher leagues with higher levels?

Good Luck in your battles buddy !

Heh, wasn't sure who you are at first. I upvoted your post because that is the exact kind of content I'd like to see on Steemit. Tutorials are one kind of posts that will help this place grow.