If I had to guess, I'd probably say the Silvershield Paladin...
I mention this because I like to think of myself as an unflinching pillar of justice and fairness. I always avoid the cheap or easy way to do things when there's a right way to do it, or at least I try to when possible... I also don't like taking advantage of others or seeing this happen in front of my eyes without doing anything about it, it's like this strange aura of justice that always surrounds me everytime I have to take a choice.
There's also the fact that I sometimes write about a sort of insertion of myself in a fantasy medieval world, and that character also used to be a paladin in his early adult years. It is somewhat of a funny coincidence but I always tend to align myself or my opinions with justice and rightness.
So there's that, I hope that's enough, lol! I also find it funny that the card I identify with the most, is on a splinter I don't like that much but whatever lol, I still love the design!
PD: Resteemed!