After so many years of peace in the galaxy where strategic resources abounded in any ecosystem, many colonies grew up as a result, great empires were created, many alliances, there was harmony for many years.

But after many years of exploitation and the overpopulation of the galaxy these resources became scarce because of the great demand, but more than anything else a special resource which was the crystal which was used in great quantities for research, ships, structures and population..... These great empires began to decline, some planets were abandoned.
Some of these colonies became aggressive and began to attack other colonies for this precious resource. Great battles lurked everywhere in the galaxy, ancient allies became enemies

Others took the attitude of scavengers where the rubble of these great battles was exploited by their gatherers.
Because of this, the war for Crystal has spread throughout the galaxy. Will peace or harmony ever come?

I was just attacked, maybe this is the reason. Everyone is looking for crystal.
yeah all people looking crystal xD
I have "some" for sell ;-)