
I really love the tool.

BTW: does the filtering module only include the last 7 days? Or will it be possible to filter on last month and more as well?

Note: I noticed the filtering tool lists all entries of a post, I think, ie when updating a post the filtering module lists the original + updates of the post. Would be great when only one entry per post is showed. Maybe something for the next release?

Thanks for your feedback :)

My posts: 7 days
New: 1 hour
My feed, hot and trending: 50 posts.
It's possible to extend it, but it's a bit slow to process all the data. I prefer to keep it clean and simple.

I think, ie when updating a post the filtering module lists the original + updates of the post.

You mean you see the same post twice in the list? Can you make a screenshot of it?

I noticed a small bug that posts are listed twice if you change the filter settings faster than the posts are being loaded. I'll see if I can fix this.
If you click the green refresh icon once you see the posts as normal.

Ah right! Thanks! :)