Thank you for letting me know!
- Can you try to clear your browser cache and try again?
- Is the date and time of your computer set correctly?
- If this doesn't fix it: Which browser do you use? Can you try another browser (if you have installed one) or does it work correctly on a smartphone or tablet?
The screenshot before was from safari on macOS 10.12.4. I clear the cache but could not solve.

This is my safari version:
Safari on iPhone 5s, same problem.
But just tried open with Chrome on the same computer, things perfect!
Thanks. It seems to be related to Safari only. I'll see if I can fix it.
i clicked and used it !
I had the same for a while, then since 2 or 3 days, its working fine. I thought you fixed it. :)
I fixed this a few days ago for some users, but apparently not for everyone ;)