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RE: Children and the Binkys phase

in #steemparents8 years ago

@scripterx if you ask me it all really depends on the kid, I took my oldest daughters at 3 and I took my 2nd oldest daughters at 3 and a half so its basically just a matter of when its time and whenever you feel their ready. As for the doctors they all have different opinions but at the end of the day you'll know if you made the right choice or not sometimes you may have to try a few times or get them in to a routine to only use it when sleeping or something. nice post its a bit different than what im use to seeing.


lol thank you @carterx7 i didnt even think Id get any upvotes but it looks like I did maybe I can post on here more. So can I ask you something? If so whats it like doing the dad thing on your own? I've been doing the mom thing for some time well a little bit now and I have to say its hard is it hard for you? Does it get easier you think?