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RE: Why is homework so hard for the kid???

in #steemparents6 years ago

Hi there I found calling the teachers etc and finding out if there is homework and getting it sent to you aswell so you know. Have you tried talking to the teacher about maybe changing it for him but set it to the same curriculum etc give it a shot. Try sitting down with him and just getting straight into it until its finished and have mini breaks and by making a routine of this by coming home they eat and you sit with them till its done and over time slowly let him do it on his own and use rewards as a way of helping him be motivated in doing it. lol every child is different.


Some good advice here, thanks! Unfortunately, most of what ends up marked as missing is classroom assignments they are supposed to do and turn in during the course of class, so it never makes it home. We have web grade tracking which is how we find out when he is doing poorly. Teacher of this particular class is also coaching one of the athletic teams so nothing will be added for a couple of weeks, then suddenly 20 new grades pop in all at once and we have to go back through it all to see what’s what.

We will get there. It might be kicking and screaming, but we will make it.