SteemPets Update!!

in #steempets7 years ago


Meet Eevie!!

Hellooooo @SteemPeeps!!!

This is an update for our latest SteemPets that have come out of Tangled Branch Forest!

Thanks so very much to @derosnec for her hard work on these terrific SteemPets!!


Help @vincy to name her SteemPet!!

SteemPets is moving ahead and there has been some terrific fan feedback and I’m taking it all in. I’m so happy for the community interest and we’ll just keep seeing where it goes.

Right Here!!New SteemPets are being created in Tangled Branch Forest each week as we are able, and we are testing out some other artists behind the scenes to help with production as @derosnec is already doing her best to keep up. Thanks as always to @poeticsnake for helping me behind the scenes with creative development. You can often find us misbehaving over on her You Got Snekked server


We’re looking forward to adding more creativity to the project. If you or someone you know/like for this project is an outstanding artist, developer or coder, send them along to moi. Always happy to have a chat and see what gels.

The SteemPets project will ultimately be housed on and we are very thankful to have some great help on the blockchain to help develop that site. There we will be able to spread out and really make a home for all things related to the SteemWorlds project. There you will find SteemPets and the SteemPets community.

SteemPeeps will be also located on and they will be humanoid/ish avatars that are created for individuals. Most likely all SteemPeeps will have a SteemPet that accompanies them in their 3D SteemWorlds journeys, adventures and travels.

Future Development Projects For Those Thinking of Getting Involved!!

SteemWars will be there as well for people who just like to battle and just have to fight :)

SteemBattles will be there too and might be developed for characters who want to battle one on one.

SteemRace will be a place for SteemPets and SteemPeeps to race their dune buggies and other vehicles in a 3D gaming world. I think it would be amazing for people to race during the week whenever they feel like it and those results will be tracked to gain pole positions for weekend Grand Prix races!

SteemCiv is a future planned civilization development game based on a common theme that many games have used such as Civilization which is one of my all time favourite games. Bringing that kind of fun to the blockchain would be fantastic! I haven’t decided yet what kind of worlds we will be settling and building but it’s going to fun figuring that out!

Hope you're having an awesome day,


That is some really adorable add to the steemPets family 😉 again @derosnec has done an amazing job. And you both really has made this fun and I totally love mine so I think this will be a exciting journey 🤗

thank you @saffisara! I'm so so happy that you're loving your SteemPet :D

Your welcome my friend and You are the one who made the amazing job.
Mine couldn't have been better 🤗 Hug bunny corn... Lol
Really creative and much personality behind it to. Have a wonderful week. Cheers! 🌹
I use mine in my posts everyday

Nina, Bug showed me mine too and I love what you did! Thank you! I did ask him to request a small change and I hope it isn't too much trouble ^^

You got it! I'll see what I can do in the next day or two :)

stand by, im saving up for mine... and i already told buggy what i want!

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Wow this looks like a cool project! ❤️

Posted using Partiko Android

ooh ok! how do I get one of these cool pets? and what can be done with said pets!?

Thanks to @shadowspub and #PYPT I found this post!