I have Rocky for a year and a month now. He is a male and according to his previous owner he is a Japanese Spitz. He is a very playful and he likes attention 🤣
Who would’ve thought that dog could be clingy? In papers, I am the owner of Rocky, but he is much closer to my father, maybe because Im not at home always because of work. But nonertheless when I am around Rocky likes being with me. After a long day at work he is a very potent stress reliever.
Don’t we all love dogs?
By the way I named him Rocky as an ironic representation to his appearance as fluffy and soft looking. Seems to work for me! And him haha ✌🏽👍🏽👌🏽
funfact about him he likes to cock his head to either side as if listening to one ear
💚c y r i l
twitter - @jcyril instagram - @jcyrilg
cute dog! 🐶
Thank you sizt!