I am standing in between holding on and letting go
For this torment and suffering, I suppose no one barely knows, in any way I totally know nobody would want to know
I am too caught up with staying deluded and keeping secluded
Embracing the sadness, abandoning the sweet carress of security and stability
Forfeiting society's grip and not giving a fuck about anyone and anything at all, all day everyday
I was purely happy, I was totally satisfied
I sincerely thought I'd rather ditch the life I was raised and completely bail the hopes of the people I love
I was in pursuit of true love and 24 karrat happines, believing reality was solely revolving around me and no one but me
Thinking everything was just virtual reality and the controller was no one else but me
I tried not to care about anyone and anything else but my pursuit and, I was strong with my convictions
I was purely happy and a hundred and one percent satisfied
Until came that one true love
Love that is universal,
the strongest and the weakest all at the same time
Love that is not solely romantic nor maternal
Love that is not solely for the "I"(self) and the ego
Love that is for everything and nothing all at the same time
Love that is meaningful and meaningless all at the same time
things that rhyme but do not have meaning, things that happen just at the right place and the right time
Everything was handy yet bleak like what I was used to until came that ironic little thing called love
Love that was divine, unified, redundant, neutral, and balanced
The ultimate singularity, the supposedly emperical evidence to M-theory, the very fabric of reality
the energy that links everything in the universe
The motivation for the postulation of string theory
I honestly hope hawking would finally realize
That one that is everything and the one that is nothing all at once
Love, just love
The omnipotent
All knowing, all seeing, and all powerful,
The yin and the yang
The stuff that is in the stars
The flashes that are brought by simply looking at the scars
That sensation that we feel when scratching an itch
Universal love
The most basic molecule
The spirit molecule
The celestial observer
The serotonin
The dopamine
The Creator
Not a thing
The one that keeps on rolling
Not a single thing yet everything
The vibrations
The currents
The frequencies
The reverberation
The Resonance
The beat
The note
The force
The chords
The motion
The friction
the entire spectrum of
the space time continuum
The light
The dark
the void
the creation
the link between the finite and the infinite
the divine comedy
An ode for the ones that love to be lost
An elegy of the misguided ghosts
Feel free :)Nice poem @tailslide
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I love the poem I hope you follow me I will follow you and vote for you I am @ maribelquere97
very nice poem! :)
Ayyy cgeg pasakay dra go😂