My first and only step yet into agribusiness was breeding Turkeys. When the female turkeys -hen- play hard to get too much to the male turkeys- tom- the toms become tired of chasing the hens and that is when I come in. I hold down the hens and the most wiliing tom comes to climb the hen held down and mates with it. When the hens lay eggs, I pick the eggs to the hatchery to hatch them after 21 days.
Breeding turkeys requires proper planning and hardwork. It is a very interesting and also a challenging job to have.
Thank you for reading
great work
Dang @woleybabz, have always wanted to see and taste Turkey eggs🤔🤔🤔🤔
Oh I don't have the pictures of the egss anymore. They are mostly whitish and bigger and tastier than chicken eggs.
Yummie......wish i could see it
Do the hens put up a pretty good fight when you hold them down?
Yes of course, the very difficult part is chasing to get them down.
Thanks for reading
@woleybabz the MWA.
Lol. For Turkeys too?
How was the first hatchery result bro?
It was okay. I really cant remember how many but I got more than half.