Here's my It depends:
only one application on the Steem blockchain, albeit the flagship application.If we want to make a change at the blockchain level for the reasons cited in @trafalgar's post, how could we earmark that percentage to Steemit Inc. development only? ...considering is
If anything, wouldn't you take that percentage to fund development across the whole Steem blockchain, including, but not limited to Steemit Inc.? e.g. Steepshot,, etc.
Secondly, didn't we just introduce 'Reward Splitting' with HF18 which would allow for Steemit Inc. to take a small percentage of every Steemit user's rewards as a fee for using the service? Wasn't this feature designed precisely to create a revenue model for Steem based apps, such as Personally, I'd be totally fine with Steemit Inc. taking 1.5% or any percentage they could justify, for funding continued development of their service, rather than asking the 'entire steem blockchain' to essentially tithe a portion of everyone's rewards to Steemit Inc. I would be happy with Steemit Inc. taking this percentage especially because they are the flagship app, and their success will inevitably help buoy the development of other apps on the Steem blockchain.