Bit of a pet peeve of mine when I see spam upvoting their own comments as well. Granted their upvote is usually so worthless it’s just laughable; but, when they are pushing 80% self upvote that’s already just sad.
I have debated internally with myself on upvoting my own blogs for a while now. It is in fact hurting me a little bit. So far my own vote I believe counters that impact. But still as I find more opportunities that reward behaviors certain ways it will have to be evaluated again and again.
At some point I’m hoping I just have built up enough support that I no longer even need think of up voting my blogs ever again. This would not even require a massive following for my blog either just finding the right opportunities.
I really enjoy comments and I’ve bene recognized now a few times for my efforts in that area. Who knows what the next day or months will bring in for opportunity to enjoy.