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RE: PAPA TURNS 700 (Followers that is) - A BETTER PERSPECTIVE : CRYPTOCURRENCY AS AN INVESTMENT - The 5000th Post From @papa-pepper

in #steempotential8 years ago

yeah, a beacon! Your stories, ideas, and your online community outreach... You're doing it the right way and being a fine example. I've been chasing after you and stellabelle in rep score and posts to increase my personal growth here. Attitude is another important aspect. I don't think I've ever seen you posting any "stinkin thinkin" Now don't go getting a swelled head. I'll pop it like a zit if I have to. LOL HUGS.


Yeah, no swelled head here, just a "swell guy."

Probably been decades since you've heard that, huh?

Wait, ain't I that same guy that sent you "hell" in the mail?????

He's your inspiration and goal to emulate?

That guy!?!?!!?!

Damn skippy! I used to torture my kids for entertainment. You torture the masses and get paid. Definitely someone to emulate. :P


Yeah, I think I read that post, Project Curie liked it too, right?