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RE: Overcoming Fears - Preview

Your 3 yr olds face when that alligator was by your head... bahaha! His face says mine when I came up on this! You my dear, are a mighty brave soul! I was getting the heebie jeebies just seeing the snakes! Then pop! There's a small alligator! haha! I think your idea of wine would be a fabulous idea now! ;) haha!
super cool though! Glad you and your littles got to enjoy this! My little would have lost his marbles over excitement!


Funny, I hadn't noticed his expression yet! The photo with the alligator on his head is hilarious! I can't wait to share those, but the @crowbarkids aren't done with their writing of the post, so I'll just resteem theirs when it's done. And if you've seen my most recent post about the long bedtime and the mice in the pantry, you'll see I could have used some wine, but opted for ice cream instead! Lol!

No way! I did the same exact thing! Great minds think alike!
Ice cream for the win!
I will go see if i can find them! Sounds like a good story I don't want to miss!