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RE: I Wish I'd Bunked Off School Today

in #steempress6 years ago

Great thing to do, to fight for our all future. There is only one thing to consider.
People who are in charge at the moment and in the position to change something, are the same people profiting from the present system. So in some strange way of thinking, they try to please industries, companies, lobbyists and so on, to fill up there pockets with colored paper and hope to have the chance to buy themselfs and there loved once out of extinction. Which surely will not work! If the air is not breathable, it doesn't matter how many digits your account has before the comma!
You just will be dead! Not even worm food, because there will be no one to bury you, you will just rot away where you drop dead.
So in order to get things done, is not to persuade a dead cow and hope it will do the work for us, the system is faulty and needs to be changed. Einstein said: "The purest form of insanity is, to change NOTHING and expect a different result."
Since how many centuries, a few pre-selected people are brought to elections and then you can choose the colore you like better? Sure there are also not pre-selected once which really want to change something, but they never make it very far.
If things need to be done, you need people who take decisions in the interest of the majorities (Citizens) and not in the interest of there own or company benefits who pays them for decisions in there favor.

But how to achieve that??


For politicians it's sure a hard time, because of so many things it should be taken care of, that it is sheer impossible to take or even find reasonabe solutions for a problem. The limits are TIME and KNOWLEDGE.

But WE, the citizens of the nations we don't have these limits, we are many, so time is not limiting anymore and we have the knowledge to take good decisions.

So, how about a system which combines excessive time and almost unlimited knowledge in the favor of the world citizens.
You can scale it down for nations, states and cities and you scale it up for global and humanity decisions.

Direct Democracy COMBINED with citizen parliament

We all have knowledge, interests, professions.....

if you want to participate to find a solution for a specific subject, you put your name in a data base including information about all the subjects you are interested in and if a solution needs to be found, a computer picks randomly for example 60 persons (formed of professionals and non-professionals from different ages and whatsoever to also have an "outside view"), which are brought together for 6 weeks (maybe time varies depending of complexity of the subject, but to make sure that the supject is understood) and being payed for this time and then, this very one question will be evaluated and discussed and nothing else.
Ideally after this period a solution, free of lobby, company or personal interests is found and then goes into direct democracy voting.

Those citizen parliaments can deal with a random amount of subjects at the same time and are still focused, what our political systems can not!

Further more to make things work and being able to find and take right decisions,


Not a media industry which transports opinions we have to share but seldomly facts!

It's a long way for change but at one point we have to start!

Let us find one answer how we can make it work instead of finding 100 reasons not to even start!