No society in today's world, both past and present, has been immune to indoctrination as a mean of control from an extremist ideal, or to the simple fact of power and totalitarianism.
Some societies have been more affected than others, however, societies such as those of Latin America are the ones that have suffered the most from this evil, violent dictatorships and regimes, both in the pre-Columbian and colonization era and in the modern stage, some of them even continue under this type of system, such as Cuba or the case of Venezuela, which, although it is not a conventional dictatorship, could be argued with a transposition of the concept to be a new form of dictatorship.
When it comes to the factors of regarding an oppressed society, one can name the violation of human rights, the lack of sovereignty and participatory democracy, and the total control of the public powers of the state, but how can a society get to such a point?
When we question these kinds of questions, we must also question the first forms of systems that were created throughout history, and by this I mean democracy.
When the Athenians appropriated this system of government in ancient Greece, it was clear to all the citizens that political and community responsibility were essential to maintain their society, and therefore, being politically responsible concludes an educational basis at the time of making these kinds of decisions. This form of the system has been applied in most of the world, especially in the West, but it is full of problems.
The success of democracy, regarding the benefit of its citizens, is accompanied by political responsibility and the education of society. There must be citizens in the environment who question their politicians, who understand their objectives, and who choose the one that is in their best interest. Because this rationing has been twisted over time, politicians use populist and demagoguery methods to attract audiences, and it turns out that these forms are more effective in backward and politically irresponsible societies. Not only are companies the only ones that use marketing and advertising to sell their products, the dirty game of politics goes beyond the needs of a society, but by the thirst for power and pride.
In short, not all societies are ready for a democracy, mainly Latin American ones, where backward and low levels of intellectualism, political conscience, and moral values can be noted. Just because this system is accompanied by the term "freedom" does not mean that we understand the true concept of it, we apply it irresponsibly and indifferently to our society.
There are other factors that were born with the advent of modernity, ideals, great narratives such as socialism, communism, Christianity and so on. They are characterized by the fact that they all have their own focus, their own path, and an aim of the story.
We have seen how many of these ideals have brought failure and misery to so many societies around the world. There are ideals that have proved to be ineffective mainly because of their utopian character, and these ideals continue to influence and go hand in hand with many discursive strategies that are used for oppressive control.

Having their utopian aspects, these ideologies have failed to be applied at the root, because the human being is a dystopian being, that is, he makes mistakes and is not mechanized to fulfill or satisfy a system perfectly. This can be argued with several examples, such as the Soviet Union, Vietnam, Mao's China, Cuba, and Venezuela, taking for example that all of them have applied the communist-socialist ideal in each of their countries.
Cuba, which began its revolution in 1953 with Fidel Castro, is a good demonstration of how applying the communist ideal can sink a country into failure. A failure that, in many ways, is diversified.
The Cuban economy was in decline as it implemented corporatist policies that have nationalized large companies, and expropriated thousands of private companies from their country. The State took control of the large industries and became the only producer of products supplied in the country.
It was the society that was most affected by these policies because even though comments, opinions, criticism and legal forms of expression emerged, the Castro regime did a good job of silencing that public opinion, through oppression, psychological mistreatment, capture and so on. The forms that I most want to emphasize are the populist ones, Castro's political discourse was very effective for the predominant social class in his country, because being these people of low resources, seeing proposals such as all kinds of subsidies, social attention, "justice against the rich" and private companies, make them stopped seeing himself as just another politician, and acquired a vision of a messianic savior for his people, without knowing the misfortune he would bring, and what is unfortunately the most is that he was praised and continues to be praised today after his death.
Cuba was a kind of tyranny, where the people loved their tyrant, and the tyrant controlled his people, because the strategy of political discourse made their populism grow, without anyone caring, about the economy, food supply, and social crisis they were living.
Does a tyrant seek to educate his people? Education is a problem for any dictatorship since the solution of these regimes is indoctrination, mental washing, to the extent that several of the moral values that underline humanism are lost.
The consequences go from macro to micro, they affect society in general, as an individual in particular, because what can one expect from an uneducated society? what about children? Lack of education leads to marginalization, and in a society where the majority of people are marginalized, what about those who seek to make good sense? They suffer from enormous loneliness and rejection because they do not get along with their surroundings because what is common is not always what has to be ethically good.
Senel Paz illustrates in words a remote, poor childhood in a society marked by communism. Where Peter is affected by rejection, which incites him to a rational change of seeing reality.
Because of her economic condition, she has to understand sacrifices, like that of her sisters, in order to buy bread for the day.
Where they depend on the state to cover a university degree, which in itself is nothing more than a way to keep them alive since a lot of education is not going to be achieved in their country.
Where his mother is just another fanatic who contributes to the stagnation of his society, one of those who praises without a doubt, without wondering if what they do is all right.
Citizens must not adhere to ideals, ideals must adhere to them, there must be respect and moral and ethical principles must be upheld, there must be respect for what really benefits people, there must be respect for all those who fought for freedom, values must be preserved and not forgotten and certainly no politician must be accepted as the messianic savior of our country. The country is built by many, not just one. And until Cuba, as Latin America does not understand that paternalism is the principal of all its evils, mistakes will be prone to be made over and over again.
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Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://blackliberal.vornix.blog/2018/07/02/about-tolitarianism-socialism-and-ignorance/

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