Current city(所在城市) | 吉隆坡 | Kuala Lumpur |
Weather (天气) | 雷雨24度 | Rainy 24'C |
Exercise (运动展示) | 掌上压 | Push ups |
Focus(注重部分) | 上半身 | Upper body |
Day 1

What is #22KILL
#22KILL is a global awareness program that helps to make civilians aware of the alarming suicide rate among veterans. To support the cause they have created a challenge to do 22 pushups once a day for 22 days. If you would like to get involved then simply do 22 pushups every day for 22 days and then nominated a friend to do the same. You can also donate to the #22KILL cause on their website.Why is it called #22KILL?In 2012, the VA released a Suicide Data Report that an average of 22 veterans are “KILLED By Suicide” (KBS) everyday. The name “22KILL” is meant to grab people’s attention, because our primary mission begins with raising awareness to the issue. Suicide prevention is a very difficult task to undertake, especially when the general public is unaware of the issue in the first place. In order to prevent or “fix” a problem, one must first learn and understand the problem itself and its causes. By educating ourselves, we’ll be able to identify the triggers that can lead someone to thoughts of suicide, and confront those issues as they come, rather than letting them accumulate into something much worse.
Supporting discontinued contests and to keep #cn-sport alive 延续 @tvb 的活动精神继续参与使用 #cn-sport 标记
I would like to thank all my friends and family who has been supporting me. Feel free to leave me feedback by clicking below yellow banner. > 谢谢大家一直以来的支持和对我疼爱有加。如果方便,请你点击下图到我的个人资料网页为我留言请我吃星星哈。

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :
This is nice and magical
How nice? And how magical was it?
Posted using Partiko Android
Great,Do you have your workout video proof, you can join me on discord
Already have the video. I will post it together with my day 2, which is this evening.
Posted using Partiko Android
@stepbie Stephen 去接受挑戰吧~!
What’s the challenge? I am doing 60/set and doing around 3-4 sets now. Someone wants to join us? 😬
Posted using Partiko iOS
This is an awareness program for the awareness of veteran. Doing 22 push ups a day for 22 days with video record and upload. To me, the challenge is on the discipline and consistency. I did this every year together with a friend of mine. Looking forward on your video upload.
Meanwhile, congratulate on doing 60 x 4 sets. I couldn't do that much myself. My regular workout is 50 per set maximum 4 sets depending on my training program.
Posted using Partiko Android
Oh okay! So the video is for the awareness part, okay okay!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Posted using Partiko Android
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