It will probably come as no surprise that one of the most commonly researched and requested outcomes in personal development, law of attraction, manifestation etc. is to create wealth.
Conventional woo-woo wisdom states that the key to making this happen is to focus on the positive outcome, visualise success and, whatever you do, avoid the dreaded negative thoughts that are guaranteed to sabotage your success.
But guess what – whether you focus on your negative thoughts, perceptions and beliefs around money and prosperity or not, they are already there! So you might as well make the most of them and here’s how:
(This could get quite emotional, so you may wish to carry out simple finger tapping or the full tapping protocol while going through this exercise in order to take some of the heat out of the situation.)
First, focus on your financial situation right now. Think about and write down all of the reasons that you can come up with why you aren’t living with the level of wealth that you wish for to live your life of choice. Some examples might be “my income doesn’t cover my needs” or “whenever I get money, it’s gone before I know it”.
Next, for each statement, write down “which means that” and then complete the sentence. This will start to show you what your beliefs about money and your relationship to it could be - for example - "I'm not capable of earning enough" or "I'm useless with money".
Once you have done this, look at each statement in turn and notice how you feel when you do.
You might feel unpleasant sensations in or around your body, for example “a heavy feeling in my shoulders” or “sick feeling in my stomach”.
You may even feel that you want to cry or run away from how this is making you feel. These feelings and the beliefs that they are attached to are what is really holding you back.
This is where focused tapping comes in, as you can clear your emotional responses to these patterns of thought.
Just try tapping full rounds, or whichever points feel right while focusing on these feelings and then checking in at the end of each round.
Strange as it may seem, once the feelings change, you may actually notice that the beliefs and thoughts start to be different as well and, as if by magic, solutions and different options start to come to mind. This is where you can start to take actions that are contrary to your blocking beliefs and create new outcomes in your life.
Sometimes, tapping on the feelings isn’t going to be enough and you will need to explore the specific events throughout your life that led to the blocking beliefs and thoughts around wealth.
The best way to do this is using a process such as The Movie Technique along with a timeline in EFT, or Matrix Reimprinting, which is an advancement of EFT that enables you to rewrite traumatic or troublesome memories in a way that encourages new beliefs and actions, without denying what originally happened.
Unless you are very skilled with these techniques, you may wish to work with an experienced practitioner.
Although it may seem that money is quite a shallow and superficial thing to work on with personal development, it is actually one of the most emotionally charged aspects of our life. Therefore, focusing on your deep-seated negative thoughts and beliefs around money and clearing the emotional charge to create new ways of thinking, being and doing can yield real wealth in many areas of your life.
Are you looking for increased health, wealth and freedom in your life? I am available to support free thinkers and entrepreneurs to break free from their limiting beliefs and create a life they love.
You can contact me either on Discord eftnow#4591 or via my website -
Posted from my blog with SteemPress
man i didn't understand about video player,..
Really? I thought that was the best bit.....
Just kidding, I had to re-format as this is a Steempress post, transferred over from my Wordpress blog.