Hello friends! I come back with a new series of short, easy-to-read curiosities. Once again the world surprises us with the wonders and things that happen in it, so I will share with you 10 interesting things about the world we live in !
Ants never sleep. However, at dawn, the ants stretch out like humans when they are tired.
Ireland is the only European country with no snakes.
The youngest parents in history (two children aged 8 and 9 respectively) lived in China. Their child was born in 1910.
On the surface of a human body live more lives than humans on the entire planet.
In Bangladesh, there is a law that allows authorities to arrest students aged over 15 years who are copying to exams.
Only in the US there are about 7,000 tigers kept as pets.
It is estimated that there are more US $ 100 banknotes in Russia than in the United States.
Have you wondered what was first, the egg or the chicken? The Bible has already answered this question. According to Genesis 1: 20-22, the chicken appeared before the egg.
Only one person of 2 billion will reach the age of 116.
Do you know how many emails are sent daily around the world? More than 35 billion ...
Hello! I like this! Keep it comming!!
Thanks man! For sure!
interesante lucruri .Un pic de munca s ale cauti ,dar vor merita in timp.
Unele sunt chiar interesante. Iti capteaza atentia. Fain
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