I know I said I would post curiosities only on Thursday, but I do not have too much occupation and I was a bit bored about playing GTA. :)). Not to mention the weather in Romania, which, for several days did not show signs of getting rid of depression to us . So I just have to do what I usually do in situations like this, I'm sitting on armchiar with the laptop on my knees, losing time on the internet and looking for all sorts of interesting things on the web or on all sorts of sites. So I gave on these things that made me a chicken skin.
1. The mysterious buzzing of Taos.

Some of the inhabitants of Taos, New Mexico, are terrorized and intrigued for years by a mysterious, low-frequency sound. Those who hear it say it's a very disturbing buzz, similar to the sound of a car engine.
Residents say that noise appear at night and lasts until the morning. Because of it, many people have trouble sleeping. Despite numerous investigations, the authorities have failed to identify the source of the noise.
What is even more bizarre is that not all locals hear the annoyed buzz, but only 2% of them.
2. Firefly that light up in sync

The animal world is witnessing some unexplained phenomena. A firefly species, living in the Great Smokey Mountains National Park in Tennessee, has an amazing ability: it lights up in sync.
For two weeks, in June each year, there is an absolutely spectacular show of lights. After 20 years of research, scientists Andrew Moiseff and Jonathan Copeland came to the conclusion that only males of this species lit up in synchronicity in order to attract females.
However, what no one has been able to explain until now is how these little insects manage to co-ordinate so well.
3. Naga fire balls

At the end of October on the Mekong River in Thailand and Laos there is something bizarre: brilliant spheres, the size of a basketball ball, rises from the water to a height of nearly two hundred meters, then disappear.

According to eyewitnesses, the balls have a reddish color and have different sizes. Such occurrences have been reported on a section of about 250 kilometers of the Mekong River.
Although they have tried to elucidate them - arguing that it was the lights produced by the tracer - the researchers could not find an explanation for these inexplicable phenomena.
4. Seismic lights

Over the centuries, people have noticed that before or immediately after the occurrence of earthquakes or strong volcanic eruptions, there are some unexplained bright phenomena in the sky. Long ago contested, these appearances were photographed and observed for the first time in the 1960s.
Since then, many such cases have been reported worldwide. One of the most recent occurred during the Richter earthquake of 7.8, produced in New Zealand in November 2016
In a shot made by a witness immediately after the earthquake, a bright blue light appears in the sky for a few seconds, then a few seconds of white and green. It is not known exactly what is the cause of this phenomenon.
An explanation, unpredictable yet, is that electrical charges in the faults cause ionization of the atmosphere, and the sky thus acquires bright colors and surprising shades.
5. The rings of the Namib desert.

Giant circles, like the drops of rain falling on the ground, spill on the arid soil of the Namib Desert. They have an impressive diameter that can reach up to 30 meters.
The inside of the circles is empty, formed only from the ground, without any form of vegetation. These unexplained phenomena happen not only in Namibia, but also in areas with richer vegetation and a more friendly climate in southern Africa.
So regardless of climate and soil, these rings naturally form and amaze the scientific community. Some claim that they are created by termites, others say they are mold or spores that kill the vegetation. So far, however, none of these assumptions has been confirmed.