greetings from the bustling HCMC!
Drinking coffee now, and trying to figure out how to cross that street.
You should have attended to crossing street lessons I was giving in BKK ;-)
greetings from the bustling HCMC!
Drinking coffee now, and trying to figure out how to cross that street.
You should have attended to crossing street lessons I was giving in BKK ;-)
Tell me tell me, i’m getting panic attack every time!
Just don't panic and go steadily, they will figure out how to drive around you :-)I'm not sure if it's possible to teach remotely ;-) Ask @wanderein :-)
There's +5 bonus for survival if you are on a sidewalk, and +15 bonus if you have green light (but only +10 if they are turning right, also sidewalk bonus is not applied) ;-)
You can make it!