I want to explain myself; " In the since," of what's going on right(RITE) now!!!
My Father was and is a honest man, I remember him giving me a explanatian of what he wanted his fellow man to understand!
Naturally that would be up to his (SON) sun or some one like that; PUBLIC NOTICES where from a different ERA!
I have a working knowledge of % or (percentage) ; I fix problems as according too the percentage..... "Person ....age", or PEONAGE ( Looked it up on GOOGLE , " I'm not gonna ..."(ARGUE)" "()" ( For the argument; "PROGRAMERS"... and I mean that literally (But also figuratively!!!! "LIE"!!!)
"HIVE.IO" is the only blockchain to except my program in a ADDON in wordpress!!!!
Trust me there is, " BUGS" in those, "ADDONS!" "ADDONS" , in regards to "ADDONS"!!!!!;-).....!@!!!!%$(&*^&YP(*OI&UJ!"
HIVE mind is a hard fork
of a over inflated system, and the world is about to make a ,"HARDFORK: and that's what a..." http://www.Publicnoticecrypto.com.":-)!!!"
HIVE.IO ( They say it's" (IMMUTIBLE)!!!!"...CKB