Heh heh....
So it has been a little while since I last wrote. Winter has started and the nights have already drawn in. Darkness is all around, and we see rare glimpses of that round bright thingy in the sky.
Traditionally this time of year is normally drab and for mental health sufferers or certainly in my case it is a time where I go inside myself and hide from the world, go on a path of self-pity and lack motivation to do even the simplest of tasks.
This year has been very similar although feels slightly different. Motivation has waned in certain areas, i.e. going to the gym and eating healthily, but....
In others areas I am still motivated, I have continued on with my daily meditation which I think is a massive factor into why I haven't taken my yearly vigil of delving into the depths of beyond.
I have continued with my swimming and skating lessons which gives me that little bit of physical activity to keep me going and makes me feel a little better about the non gym going and the non healthy eating...
However, one thing I drastically want to change and have already started at the time of writing is DRINK...
Since December with the Christmas and New Year period I have drunk more alcohol than I like. Dry January failed on New Years Day where I went for hair of the dog in the afternoon and basically never stopped.
I have continued to drink a few times a week, and on the weekends most have been heavy. It's not big, it's not clever and I know it....
Although it's nowhere near the amount I drank 10 years ago when I had a mental breakdown (a story for another time) it is still way more than I want and does not run in line with my fitness goals.
So that brings me onto challenges... Last year if you follow me you will know that monthly I set myself challenges. You can read about them here.
This year so far I haven't done any and I want to tweak it a little by not calling them challenges but rather have goals. So as dry January never happened for me, I want to set a goal of not drinking for the whole of February instead.
So why the change from monthly challenge to goals ??
Well I want more scope to do other things, I do not want to get too hung up on having to do something over a set time period and want to introduce smaller goals that may be daily, weekly or longer term goals.
So I have a couple of others I want to put down in black and white... I have an online friend I have known for a few years who lives the other side of the globe to me. He has been doing and documenting water fasts, something I want to try to do also. So at some point this month over a weekend I will be attempted to cleanse my body with a 48 hour water fast, something if you know me is a tough ask as I luuuuuurve my food :)
The other goal, is to get back onto the healthy eating but on a budget. I want to batch cook meals and try to live off a small amount of spend. Hopefully healthy body and healthy pocket.
Longer term goals include finishing (well starting) my poetry section on this site. I am not totally sure if I will publish every one of them on here but I have close to 40 so far that I have written over the last 10 years so I am still thinking on how the best way to organise and display these to tell my story.
I also desperately need to spend some time organising photos and doing a post about my trip to Amsterdam last year, I visited so many places and had such an amazing time I would like to review and share my adventures there...
Anyhow here's to a great new month ahead...
P.s. If you have liked my chitter chatter please subscribe by heading here and entering your email address in the subscribers section as shown here. Much appreciated. I will never spam you, you just get my latest posts direct to you email :)

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://pathtosomewhere.com/2019/01/30/conquering-the-dark-months/