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RE: Reflections on Aphorisms #34

in #steempress6 years ago

My general rule of thumb is to follow Montaigne's rule of thumb: If you don't have a reason to believe something, ignore it. You don't reject things, but you also don't cling to them either.

Too much of what people do revolves around partial perception being treated as fact. The majority of the information we surround ourselves with is only dubiously reliable, and even the good stuff requires more context than we typically can handle.

There's an expression that "perfect is the enemy of good", which is very much the case when trying to understand reality. If your goal is to achieve 100% accuracy and depth in thought, the only result is that you will sacrifice everything to get to a single epiphany (and even then there is no guarantee that the goal of one's inquiries will be achieved), and I think it's tragic that more people fall into this trap.