My issue is that I JUST bought a new Note 9 b/c the Note 3 I had before was so slow & dying on me. This Note 9 is fabulous, but even it has issues.
I almost never use the phone unless I'm outside. I don't have a car so I need it to figure out when the bus is coming (assuming it ever comes) & I also use the app on it to figure out what song is playing from the TV shows I watch.
Until I get back to the States, it works as a local phone number b/c my landline is my US line.
So I know it's toxic & I know they can hear everything I say, but for now I will have to keep it.
I figured out ANOTHER reason why they want everyone to have a cell phone, but it slipped from my brain & I can't remember now.
Oh right, b/c of this scamdemic. This way it's much easier to track people & of course 5G doesn't work as well if you have no cell phone in your home.
They have been pushing for EVERYONE to go mobile for the last 4-5 years min.
As a netrepreneur I was getting really pissed off & I couldn't understand why google was doing this & why companies (they are cluless) were ONLY creating apps & no software for a REAL PC.
If your site isn't mobile friendly, you lose rankings online.
As a truther I finally figured it out, & it has NOTHING to do with giving access to poor people who can't afford a PC. That's just the lie they spread.
Poor people can't spend money anyway, so that BS doesn't make sense.
I'm glad you are getting rid of it.
Are you telling me you plan to NEVER have a phone??? LOL
How would you talk to people?