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RE: Information on Covid19 Vaccine

in #steempress5 years ago

Yeh I don't have the time to post these on Hive, especially b/c I make only a few cents from any of my posts.

The only reason my posts are showing up here is b/c I have that plugin for WP that posts it here. I got so pissed off by Steemit for so many years, that I left about 1 1/2 years ago.

I'm not even sure adding tags after it's been posted works, but it's just too much extra work.

My articles all go out to Twitter & I put posts in a plugin so I'm not sure if they get pushed to Hive as well.

AND I just got a warning from Hive about one of my posts which was a meme I uploaded to WP. I didn't create it, but so what.

I honestly don't need this extra shit from Hive.

I'm working my ass off 12-14 hours a day trying to save humanity. For 2 weeks in a row now I've been ORDERED by boot licking slaves for our oppressors (customers in the store) at 3 different stores to put my mask up.

And today I think the health food store I normally go to is going to report me to the police b/c I got angry with the worker who come over to ask me to put my mask up & she never would have if the customer hadn't ordered me to in the first place.

If you ever see me no longer posting, it's either b/c Hive booted me or I'm dead.

I'm glad you are getting something out of what I post.

I hope you are waking others up with the content, although as someone just pointed out to me & I already knew, it's all already a little too late.

The majority of the population who SUPPORT this OPPRESSION consists of brainless dangerous evil supporting morons.

He uses the term pre-transhumans & I'm going to start using that term from now on b/c it's so apropos.

They will do everything in their power to support this war/holocaust.

Us WOKEe people are just too low in numbers & most truthers don't do dick shit to help with saving humanity anyway. They just comment online & that's IT.

I hope you have a good day.