Sorry, but I disagree.
We are 10 months into this war & the brainwashed ignorance masses continue to astound me.
I'm not even sure how many people have woken UP, and the very FACT that truthers aren't doing a thing but sitting in front of their computer complaining or sharing links means that even the people who KNOW what's going down are doing NOTHING.
Most won't even collaborate & I'm NOT talking about talking on FB, TW or YT. sigh
I started a Think Tank back in March. Less than 5 people inquired, most people who weren't serious or they expected ME to save them - JFC.
I get that people are afraid, but if people do NOT dig DEEP to find the courage, we are DOOMED.
I'm stuck overseas right now a prisoner b/c they won't let me fly out UNLESS I take the toxic CV test & I won't take it b/c I know it's meant to put something up people's noses into their brains.
Thanks for commenting.