- The barns look great, would probably make a great Holiday Rental income opportunity to keep them and you ticking over.
- The rest of your land has great potential too by the sounds of it. Establishing a campsite can be an easy and fruitfull winner! Also Glamping huts, forest style camping and Yurts are all quite popular with minimal impact.
- As far as a refuge/SHTF community goes, your personnel filtering decisions will always be hard. All it takes is for one bad apple to enter the system and the Apple Cart wouldn't function as it should. Integrity firstly and skills second? There are many variables and decisions!
- Controlling numbers and visitors and their 'friends' that have 'tagged along' seeking sanctuary can also be tricky.
- Group dynamics and resources amongst the group/division of labour? Who knows...As i have indicated, from my experience, when it comes to working in austere environments attitude is everything.
Great Post & Good Luck
Thanks for these most useful pointers. Some interesting times ahead.
Hadn't thought of yurts - good idea, will check costs on those.
Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.
Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.
Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.
You could even attract the 'Motor-Homer' on their vacations year-round.
Most of them just want to find a place to stay for a night or two in a secure environment...
As apposed to chancing it at a lay-by.
OK, first things first - what's with the numbering on those posts :D Is it like a countdown or what?
Second, I had no idea you have such a massive property! Of course, in SHTF scenario, property lines and ownership are automatically void, so another way to look at it is a 17 acre liability and a nightmare to defend ;)
It's going to be a tough job planning and executing that settlement plan of yours. If the population density is really that low - next door neighbors with similar properties thousands of meters away, I'd rather think about relocation or some sort of neighborhood plan to just huddle some families together in a single property. I very much doubt your friends and family traveling and reaching you from anywhere farther than a hundred klicks away, let alone Europe. So you risk being "stranded on an island" by yourselves.
Those barns and house look massive and solid, that's great! Do your renovation work slowly and deliberately, keeping in mind only the buildings that are close together are useful in case you need to protect them from outside force, even a few people. A cabin by the lake is a nightmare scenario. Think access vectors, funnel pathways, etc, if it comes down to quickly erecting some sort of extra defenses. OK, you could AirBNB it and get some cash out of it, that would be great, but I woudn't consider it an asset in a disaster scenario.
I'd rather have 3-4-5 families in the main house + attached house with some more in the barns if they are nearby in a shouting range at the most, than to spread the "tribe" thin across the landscape. This would also boost morale in a tight situation.
Seems to me the main problem in your case could be finding some people to live with in case the SHTF. In "Lucifer's hammer", when the main group of people got large enough and secure enough, they asked people coming to their property what skills and talents they had and cherry picked the ones they needed - carpenter, blacksmith, farmers, hunters, a doctor, etc. I'm not sure it'll be feasible to just accept anyone, to just fill the space for the "safety in numbers" perk. A family of a web designer that hasn't seen an wood axe or started a fire in his life and a hairdresser that cannot even peel potatoes, let alone gut a rabbit, along with their two infant children raised on chips and candy bars would be more of a liability :)
Regarding all those acres of yours. What I'd do is plant them densely with nut and fruit trees, fruiting bushes, herbs, other useful perennials. Convert them to a forest with walkways, but not very wide ones, maybe a couple of meters max. Also work both ends of the plant hardiness scale - lower and higher, just in case. You'll have a much much better food resilience, health-related yield, a weather buffer, an added layer of security, etc compared to a basement full of potato starch and multivitamins. In fact, that's what I've started doing on our super small plot (compared to yours).
Sorry for that extra long comment, now you know why I don't post on my personal steemit blog - no time left in the day :D