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RE: Guns, Guns, Guns - Comedy Open Mic Round 29

in #steempress6 years ago

Totally irrelevant to this post, but thanks for chiming in. If you look at the link I provide, you will see that the US is far below many other countries when it comes to gun deaths.

My point was that I don't think that there is any reason for average people to have handguns and assault rifles. If they weren't for sale, it would be very hard for the criminals to acquire them.

Where do you think the criminals get their guns? Do they make them?


i must be a criminal then.... because i've built two of my rifles. one an .300 BLK on the AR15 platform, and the other an semi automatic 6.5mm Grendal , also on the AR15 platform. . i actually bought my AR15 in 5.56mm, and my 9mm handgun.....and i intend on building one of each calibre that can be built on both the AR15, and AR10 platforms.... all of which are completely legal to do so.... I fully understood your point, but that is the thing many of you anti gun people continue to fail to understand... more people die from blunt force trauma than do by firearms each year. do the research(and not the research that the anti 2A leftists tell everybody... my point was, that there are far more guns in the hands of law abiding citizens than there are criminals...yet you seem to think that disarming those of us who are lawful and own guns should lose our inalienable and un-infringeable rights provided by the bill of rights of our constitution. You all live in this fantasy world that if you do away with the guns that the criminals will stop being criminals....wrong, their weapons of choice simply change... this was just proven out in paris where the killer used blades and a metal bar to attack multiple victims outside of a movie theatre..... statistics show the areas which are gun free, or have the strictest gun laws have the highest rates of violent crime, and gun deaths. i just wish you anti gun people would stop cherry picking the data to make it fit your anti gun beliefs....actually use the real government data regarding guns and gun related incidents. stop manipulating that data to make the statistics fit your beliefs and just admit that you don't like guns and you don't want those who do to have their rights.....

Did you read my post? I don't know where you get the anti-gun vibe. I am also Canadian, so I'm not entirely familiar with the constitution down there.

I asked you for your sources, so I could look at them and discern for myself whether it was far right propaganda or credible. If you don't want to give them to me then I will conclude our conversation.

I also wonder where you got the part that I said people that build guns are criminals. I'm impressed that you have those skills.

I didn't see where you asked me for sources, but then again... it isn't my job to do your research. i get the anti gun vibe from this-> "My point was that I don't think that there is any reason for average people to have handguns and assault rifles. If they weren't for sale, it would be very hard for the criminals to acquire them. "
and i wasn't saying you think i was a criminal, but rather that criminals CAN build guns, and since i have built guns by your comment i am like a criminal in that respect... building a gun rifle is easy, building a hand gun is a little more difficult. -->

Where do you think the criminals get their guns? Do they make them?

my point is, your opinion that the average citizen shouldn't be allowed to own handguns, or automatic/semi automatic rifles is based upon anti gun advocates who skew gun data to support their data ... an excerpt from a snopes fact check on rifles... of any kind.... --> "According to FBI: UCR Table 12, there were approximately 374 people shot and killed with rifles of any kind. There were 1,604 people killed with “knives or cutting instruments.”

Table 12 also shows that more people were killed via the use of “hands, fists, feet, etc.,” than were killed by rifles of any kind. In fact, the tally shows that the death numbers were not even close. While approximately 374 people were shot and killed with rifles, roughly 656 people were beaten to death with “hands, fists, feet, etc.” " . While i agree, criminals do not need to own firearms... to say you don't think the average citizen should be allowed to either is like saying i am not allowed to defend myself against a criminal. it doesn't matter if you make an area "gun free" or not, the criminal element isn't going to follow those laws anyways.... that's why they're called criminals, because they do not follow the laws we already have... creating more laws is not the answer either, nor is restricting gun ownership for the citizenry... i would rather see stricter background checks and limitations on the mentally ill being able to own firearms. I also am all for increasing the penalty for gun related crimes as well.. as increased penalties can do a lot to curb all but the determined criminal from committing gun crimes. Since you are not all that familliar with the statistics on gun free/highly restrictive gun states vs. pro gun states i can direct you to look at CA, DC, IL(states with high gun restrictions/laws) and TX, FL, OH, (states with relatively low gun restrictions/laws) and do a per capita ratio on deaths by guns of any kind. you might be shocked to see that the gun restrictive states have the higher gun related crimes per capita...