Tidak terasa Piala Dunia telah menyelesaikan babak putaran grup. Sejumlah kejutan pun terjadi, dimana Jepang lolos berkat keunggulan Fair Play dari Senegal. Juga betapa sedihnya supporter Jerman kala timnya tersingkir di fase grup setelah kalah dari Korea Selatan yang telah duluan tersingkir. Sebagai perhelatan akbar, wajar saat atensi publik dunia mengarah ke Rusia selaku tuan rumah Piala Dunia 2018.
Lantas, apa hubungannya dengan koin virtual? Memang tidak ada kaitan erat atau hubungan yang mencolok antara kedua hal yang bak langit dan bumi tersebut. Ini soal passion, bagaimana para suporter setiap negara dengan penuh semangat datang ke Rusia dengan dalih memberi dukungan kepada tim nasional mereka masing-masing. Begitu juga dengan pengguna media atau investor di pasar virtual dunia, yang selalu optimis dengan bisnis mereka, juga kita sebagai user tentu memiliki passion sendiri dalam mengumpulkan pundi-pundi yang akan mengisi wallet media milik kita.
Kembali ke Piala Dunia. Setelah laga usai, menang, seri bahkan kekalahan adalah sebuah hasil yang harus diterima dengan lapang dada meski tersirat kekecewaan yang begitu besar. Harapan selanjutnya tentu keinginan dan rasa optimis yang kuat agar tim yang kita dukung bakal mendapatkan hasil yang sesuai harapan atau bahkan lebih. Pasar kripto juga demikian, tidak selamanya memberi keuntungan dan hasil yang sesuai ekspektasi kita selaku user yang sedang mengembangkan diri terutama didunia berbasis blockchain.
Does not feel the World Cup knockout rounds has completed the group. A number of surprises ever happens, where Japan escaped thanks to the excellence of Fair Play from Senegal. Also how much his team outplayed Germany kala supporter in the group phase after losing to South Korea who had first knocked out. As bigger event, the fair event when the world public attention leading to Russia as the host of the 2018 World Cup.
Then, what to do with virtual coins? Indeed there is no relationship closely or striking relationship between the two things that the heaven and Earth tubs. This is a matter of passion, how the supporters of each State eagerly come to Russia under the pretext of giving support to their national team respectively. So also with the users of the media or investors in the market of virtual world, which is always optimistic with their business, nor do we as user certainly has his own passion in collecting coffers that would fill a wallet belong to us media.
Back to the World Cup. After the game, win, even series defeat was a result that should be accepted gracefully despite the implied disappointment is so great. The next hope is certainly the desire and sense of optimism that strong team we support would get results that match the expectations or even more. The market also crypto case, not always giving the benefits and results that match our expectations as the user that is being developed primarily based in the blockchain.
This is like two sides of the coin, on one hand we wanted to grab the maximum results. But on the other hand, there is a surprise and certainly a thing that we don't want. This is the layout of the levels of maturity in thought and action, especially when what we had hoped for failed to materialize. The defeat and the low prices of the coins is a virtual reality will continue to be an expectation. Keep giving support to the national team's favourite, while hoping market crypto suffered significant change concerns the price so that the higher.
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://kruengdhoe.000webhostapp.com/2018/06/tentang-piala-dunia-dan-melemahnya-harga-koin-virtual-bilingual
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Kazan arena nyan menyoe dari Krueng dhoe ho keu ?
Pokokjih 300 engkoeh moto dari Gampong Pukat...hehehee