This is so True, we are our worst enemies in a way.
We have this beautiful earth and nature to enjoy and all The amazing animals that deserve to live and be left alone.
Much awarness has happened like you say but still there are to many animals hurtig because of us and our ignorance.
Throwing waste in nature that can kill animals or build things in their terratorry.
Its never to late to change things and leave a better world for our children.
To care for our neighbour and not be selfish...
A world run by LOVE instead of Power!
Posted using Partiko Android
Thats the world I want to live in. <3
Maybe when we all see the life in this planet as our family and no something to rule on.
Same here 😊 Love is The way!
Well put my friend, se The life as our family and not as something to rule over. Thank you for sharing this and giving us a teminder... Think we all need that 😉👍
Posted using Partiko Android
Well I Just keep reading and reading about lots of species that are becoming extinct that I felt the need...
It is heartbreaking indeed to se the many beautiful animals being hunted and killed untill there's hardly any left of them.
They deserve their place in this world as much as we do ❤️
Posted using Partiko Android