Dawn agreed the agreement with his brother and brother, would not ask for more inheritance over his willingness and sacrifice to take care of his ailing mother. It is done solely for the sake of filial piety and seeking the blessings and blessings of his parents, for he realizes that the pleasure of Allah begins with the pleasure of the parents. A week he took care of it, eventually his mother died. At night, he dreams, there is a grandfather who told him to dig the land beside his mother's grave, because there is money 100 dinars. He asked whether the sustenance is lawful and blessing? Since Grandpa said no, he did not want to. The second night he had the same dream again, but his value actually dropped to 10 dinars. The answer remains the same. The third night he dreams again, the value of 1 dinar left but the grandfather answered that it is lawful and there is a blessing, then Dawn was willing to take it. The next day, the dream is told to his brother and they laugh because the 100 dinars are unwilling but the dinar is willing instead. Long story short, money 1 dinar was already taken as a dream and when he came home to meet with fish sellers who offer two fish with the price of 1 dinar. No thought, he bought it. When he got home, how surprised his wife when splitting the stomach of the fish found two diamonds on the two fish. The news spread quickly until the King was interested in the beauty of the diamond. As a result the King is very fond of glitter, he is willing to pay the size of bags of gold that can be borne by 20 horses. Finally rich Rich Dawn and live happily with his family.
- Blessings are sustenance obtained in a little but halal and then able to provide many benefits & optimal and used on the path of God's pleasure.
- If you want to seek God's pleasure, get our parents' first pleasure.
Fajar setuju perjanjian dengan kakak dan abangnya, tidak akan meminta bagian lebih dari pusaka kelak atas kesediaan dan pengorbanannya mengurus ibunya yang sakit-sakitan. Itu dilakukan semata-mata demi berbakti dan mencari ridha serta berkah dari orang tuanya, karena dia sadar bahwa ridha Allah diawali dari ridha orang tua. Seminggu dia mengurusnya, akhirnya ibu nya pun meninggal dunia. Malam hari, dia bermimpi, ada seorang kakek yang menyuruhnya untuk gali tanah disamping kuburan ibunya, karena disana ada uang 100 dinar. Dia bertanya, apakah rezeki itu halal dan berkah? Karena Kakek terebut menjawab tidak, maka dia tak mau. Malam kedua dia mimpi yang sama lagi, tapi nilainya malah turun menjadi 10 dinar. Jawabannya tetap sama. Malam ketiga dia mimpi lagi, nilai tersisa 1 dinar tapi kakek itu menjawab itu halal dan ada berkahnya, maka Fajar pun mau mengambilnya. Esok harinya, mimpi itu diceritakan kepada saudaranya dan mereka menertawakan karena yang 100 dinar tak sudi tetapi yang 1 dinar malah mau. Singkat kisah, uang 1 dinar itu sudah diambil sesuai mimpi dan ketika dia pulang bertemu dengan penjual ikan yang menawarkan dua ekor ikan dengan harga 1 dinar. Tak pikir panjang, dia membelinya. Ketika sampai dirumah, betapa terkejut istrinya ketika membelah perut ikan menemukan dua butir berlian pada dua ikan tersebut. Berita itu tersiar cepat sampai ketelinga Raja yang tertarik dengan keindahan berlian tersebut. Akibat Raja sangat menyukai gemerlapnya, dia bersedia membayar dengan ukuran kantong-kantong emas yang mampu dipikul oleh 20 ekor kuda. Akhirnya kaya rayalah Fajar dan hidup bahagia dengan keluarganya.
- BERKAH adalah rezeki yang diperoleh secara sedikit tapi halal lalu mampu memberikan manfaat banyak & optimal serta dipergunakan pada jalan yang Allah ridhai.
- Jika ingin mencari ridha Allah, dapatkan dulu ridha orang tua kita.
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://vesteem.com/2018/06/23/inspirational-story-kisah-inspiratif-bilingual/
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Moto yang sangat bagus. sangat menginspiratif