Choon on! :)
.... and yes, comments, DJ-ing features would be enabler for the platform. Otherwise it will be continued to perceived as milking caw. If they want to build a music platform. It might be also a case owner may hype and quickly grab the goods after coin become tangible. Not to offend the Choon platform, but if anyone designed grab-and-go project it is better be no-comments. If Indie musicians can grab at least small piece of pie it is fair enough. Again not to downgrade Choon or anyone. While so many platforms popped up and will keep coming, it is hard to believe they all survive. It will be tedious to follow each and every thing while this turmoil time (and get nothing at the end).
The happy point I have here is music industry restructuring is somewhat finally happening :) So Chooning full speed!
Absolutely hit the nail on the head there @silentzen - needs to be more than just streaming but the platform is still young and there's a lot to do with it. If nothing else comes of it (and I hope that's not the case), having a re-structured music industry or just challenging the old model is progress :)