Neem Oil - A Must-Have For Every Organic Gardener

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

Neem oil is the most powerful organic solution to protect your garden. It is non-toxic and works both as a pesticide and a fungicide, without harming beneficial insects. A must-have for every organic gardener.


Neem Oil


My Garden

It's still too soon to celebrate the victory, but for now, it seems like my garden is doing fine again after the crisis that started a couple of weeks ago. At that time, my little melon plants got infected by the same pest/fungus that killed my entire garden last year. I saw it spreading through the entire garden again, slowly but surely and I panicked. I called out for help on my blog, on SteemIt, and on my personal Facebook account. (You can read the post here.)

Fortunately, a friend of mine - who knows a lot more about organic gardening than I do - saw my message and took the time to calm me down and remind me of a possible solution for the problem: neem oil. I had been using neem oil in the garden last year and the year before, but my panicking brain simply didn't think of it. It would have been funny if I had been in a different state of mind.

So I went to work. Since I ran out of Neem oil, I had to order some online. However, I couldn't just sit and wait for the delivery to arrive, while my garden was looking worse every day.




Volcanic Rock Dust

I found a bag of lava rock dust that was still lying around, which meant I didn't have to waste any time.

Volcanic rock dust has multiple uses in the garden:

  • By adding lava rock dust to your soil you can re-mineralize it. Plants can not produce the minerals they need and eventually use up all the minerals that are native to the soil.That's where volcanic rock comes in. Volcanic rock dust that has been added to the soil slowly releases trace minerals and micronutrients, which - in short - improves the quality of your soil. As a result, you will get stronger and healthier plants. (Read more about volcanic rock dust here.)
  • Using a powder duster, you can spread a thin layer of rock dust over your crops. The silica in the rock dust will not only harden the leaves, but it will also increase their pH-level, making them more resistant against fungi. On top of that, the rock dust will dehydrate the skin of any insects on the plant and it will cause irritation of the airways, creating an undesirable environment.

Thanks to the rock dust, I wasn't completely helpless while I was waiting for my neem oil to arrive.




Neem Oil

Neem оіl is made from thе seeds оf the Nееm trее.

It has been an important ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years, and found its way to the West, where you can find it in products like toothpaste and skin- or hair care products.

As a nаturаl іnѕесtісіdе, fungісіdе аnd bасtеrісіdе, Neem oil can also work miracles in the garden. It's a strong pesticide/fungicide that can control about 200 species of insects and 15 species of fungi (powdery mildew, black spot, rust, leaf spot.... just to name a few).


Click to enlarge image
Insects that can be controlled by neem oil




Benefits Of Neem Oil


  • It’ѕ organic аnd biodegradable. Alѕо, іt dоеѕn’t create аnу tоxіс runоff thаt wоuld hаrm nеаrbу water supply.
  • Neem оіl won’t harm еаrthwоrmѕ, nоr dоеѕ it kill bеnеfісіаl insects аnd animals as ѕуnthеtіс pesticides саn. Thіѕ іѕ bесаuѕе іt mainly affects plant-feeding іnѕесtѕ that ѕuсk оr сhеw on leaves. Buttеrflіеѕ, lаdуbugѕ and bees dоn’t dо thаt.
  • Nееm oil рrеvеntѕ bugѕ from dеvеlоріng tо іtѕ nеxt ѕtаgе. So, іt іѕ effective fоr hаrmful insects аt аll ѕtаgеѕ of development — аdult, lаrvае аnd еgg.
  • Nееm оіl соntrоlѕ rооt-knоt nematodes, bу kееріng thе lаrvае from hatching.
  • You саn ѕрrау іt in wіntеr, during уоur dоrmаnt season tо kіll to eggs оf іnѕесtѕ аnd pest thаt wоuld overwinter.
  • It саn аlѕо wоrk to rереl hаrmful іnѕесtѕ.
  • You саn spray іt rіght on уоur рlаnt and іt won’t harm them.
  • It іѕ nоn-tоxіс, so іt іѕ сhіld- аnd pet ѕаfе. It саn be used оn indoor рlаntѕ аѕ wеll.
  • Kіllѕ аnd рrеvеntѕ funguѕ and mіldеw оn рlаntѕ.
  • Nееm оіl also fights bасtеrіаl dіѕеаѕеѕ іn рlаntѕ lіkе fire blіght, which саn cause plants to wіlt аnd lооk ѕсоrсhеd bу the ѕun.
  • Prоtесtѕ bеrrу bushes аnd fruіt trees frоm реѕtѕ. Fоr еxаmрlе, іt рrоtесtѕ thе apple trее frоm wоrmѕ аnd bеrrу bushes frоm thе mіldеw, fungus, and оthеr bugs that ѕо оftеn plague thеm.
  • Mosquito rереllаnt- Uѕе nееm оіl to mаkе уоur gаrdеnіng time more еnjоуаblе bу eliminating the іrrіtаtіоn of thе blооd-ѕuсkіng mоѕԛuіtо.
  • Insects dо not dеvеlор a rеѕіѕtаnсе to neem оіl and become immune.

Looking at the list above, I think it's clear that Neem oil is a must-have for every organic gardener.





Neem oil can be easily ordered online these days.

Do pay attention and make sure you buy a high-quality, organic oil. It's important that the oil you buy is cold pressed!

I've read that there are ready-to-go sprays available too, but by making your own, you have complete control over the quality of the ingredients and the concentration levels. The concentration can be adjusted to the situation and the purpose. When you're spraying as a prevention measure you won't need the same dilution as when you're fighting a severe infestation.


I don't believe in re-inventing the wheel over and over again. You can find plenty of recipes to make your own neem oil garden spray online. Google knows everything, right? :0)

Personally, I think this one is the most complete when it comes to creating your spray and using it:

Neem Insect Spray Recipes - Making And Using Neem Garden Spray on





May Your Garden Be Healthier Than Ever!



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I'll check into this for sure

Thanks a lot, those artworks very good things to know. I don't know if I will be able to get Been but I'll probably ask around.

Posted using Partiko Android

I have been using neem oil to ward off aphids and white fly from my beautiful chilly plants. The only thing I don't feel good about is that you can accidentally kill spiders and other good bugs when spraying neem oil, if they come in the line of fire :(
I accidentally sprayed a cute little spider yesterday who was trying to help me by catching those pesky white flies.

True, but that's only when they are really in the line of fire. Once it is on the plant, it won't hurt them no more

I LOVE NEEM OIL! I use it on every grow just to put my mind at ease, it makes all the difference in organic gardens! Great explanation for people who have never used or heard of it before :0)

I search in Google what is neem oil then I found something. This is a neem tree we use to drink, I have no idea that it produce oil. Neem tree in our town is like an ordinary tree, you can find it everywhere. We use this tree as medicine for cleaning our body.

Posted using Partiko Android

I only recently found out that it can the neem tree is being used as a natural medicine for people too. I only knew about the applications in the garden.

@ I really want to thank you for a very precious gift from you to me but I wonder for that that 50sp delegation

Posted using Partiko Android

Sorry for the delay. I should have seen your comment sooner, but life has been so busy this last week i'm way behind on following up on comments.

What exactly did you wonder about?

I always keep a spray bottle of neem oil on hand. Especially for my indoor garden (and cannabis). It does wonders for gnats and spider mites.

I always make a fresh batch, which is quite a hassle, considering I need about 10 liters of water to spray the entire garden.
To make sure the oil mixes with the water as it should, I mix it in small bottles of 0.5 liter. Takes me about an hour to get the spray ready.
But it's definitely worth it! 👍

Those are some great tips! I am sure we have different pests and fungus in my region but I will keep those in mind in case I observe a problem.

Congrats in advance on your garden victory and I look forward to a bunch of great garden posts.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I'm not so sure about that victory yet, unfortunately. one day, everything seems to be okay, and the next day I do nothing but remove infected leaves... I guess time will tell

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Neem Oil....... We will try this.

Posted using Partiko Android