@Howo and/or @Fredrikaa I have plans to build out a WP blogsite which is niche and goal is to become a true community. My thoughts are for a community of users that don't need to understand or care about Steem. That is we are bringing in new users purely for our Blogsite and if they end up moving over to Steem for other content that's a bonus. But the site/community itself should be able to stand on it's own without the need of the actual steem community to be it's user base.
Anyways sounds like a lot of what I want to be able to integrate into my site with guests and free accounts is all built into Steempress or on your roadmap. This is great as creating this all from scratch seemed daunting to say the least.
Wondering will you offer the ability of a community to give free accounts at lower levels of "earnings" if they provide the account tokens. That is can you track it and then have it trigger using our tokens at say 1 Steem of earning vs 5.
Next can these triggers be set up for earning of our specific token vs Steem earnings? So if we want the person to earn 5 MYTOKEN instead of 5 STEEM and then we provide the free account along with RC delegation to support the account (assuming this happens) and X amount of MYTOKEN to get them started can this happen on an automated way with what you are building?
This path would truly support communities and the future of SMTs IMO.
If it's easier to chat on discord or telegram I use the same name on both and am #6765 on discord.