I've not gotten into warframe yet, but dayuuuuuuuuuum, does your depiction of the story really interest me man. More so by the fact that it's inspired or based on greek mythology and how some characters, events and objects correlate to each other, that's something I wouldn't have catched at first sight o:
Who am I if not but a humble servant of Lore? I really liked this post man, even if it got a bit complex, it was still a great thorough read and understanding of Warframe's writing. I'm definitely more interested than ever to get into the game whenever I can.
AFAIK, Warframe isn't particularly based on any one mythology; a lot of the names come from Greek mythology, and there's definitely a little bit of Greek bias (perhaps because Greek and Roman myth is pretty common) in the imagery of the storylines and the Orokin, but there's a pretty heavy emphasis on having the whole thing flow out of this framework of mythology that makes the story truly epic.
It's a good game. I don't play it all that much, even with that said, but I definitely think that Warframe is one of those games that both treats players right and does a good job of being a fun game (they're not unrelated, mind you, but there are games that have the best intentions and fall flat).
This comment only makes me wanna play it harder, lol. good thing i'm already downloading it!