This post was an error post and I apologize especially to those who have me on auto vote. I would never want to shit post because I know some people have trusted me that they auto vote my post, and I value that no matter what the amount of the vote is.
So last night, I was playing around my new blog (linked to my page) and I added a contact form. You know those contact forms you see on websites where you can send a message to the website owner by filling out your name and email address? That's the one that caused me trouble :D I want my website to look legit so I added that contact form but it slipped my mind that the contact form was a form of "Post". I was adding lots of widgets on my site and sort of thought it would work the same. And I didn't realize my steempress plug in was on!
Steemit problem :D Thanks geek for notifying me!An hour later, I found @geekpowered's message asking if I have an issue. I saw that in Ginabot's notification so I thought what's geek's problem?! Turns out I was the one with a
Lesson Learned
I'm really new to blogging, as in blogging in a real website. Steempress encouraged me to build my old wordpress site again since this plugin makes it easier to reblog posts from Wordpress to Steemit. There were a lot of things I'm learning like adding meta tags to verify my site, submitting a sitemap, requesting approval for Google Ads... I basically have no idea half of the things I'm doing but it was fun creating my website :)
I love Steempress but just make sure to check steempress whenever you publish a new post. If it's something you don't want to be re-blogged in Steemit like this simple contact form that I made, turn the plugin off. This does not only apply to contact forms, but on any blogs that you don't want to be permanently stored on the blockchain. Keep in mind that you can still remove a blog in Wordpress, but you can never take back a word you write on the blockchain :o ...after 7 days that is.
As Promised, A Cat Post to Make it Up
So today I felt obliged to cover this up with a real post. I have really nothing to say today and I just thought of covering this up with a cute cat photo. I was in a hurry to go home today as it was starting to rain so I wasn't able to stop and hunt for the stray cats here, so I can take a photo of them. So here's a cute kitten :) I'm not her/ his hooman, it's just a CC0 image.
I have also kept the original post below. This was the Wordpress contact form that I inadvertently re-blogged from my website. Looks ugly. Uhm, I don't mean to offend any programmers/ coders :D It just doesn't look good on any page. No one can read this... except you geeks :D Peace!
Original Post Accidentally re-blogged from Wordpress:
[contact-form][contact-field label="Name" type="name" required="true" /][contact-field label="Email" type="email" required="true" /][contact-field label="Website" type="url" /][contact-field label="Message" type="textarea" /][/contact-form]
Posted from my blog with SteemPress :
Have an issue?
oh noooooo waaaaaaaah
i added a contact form for my wordpress blog and didn't realize my steempress plug in was on 🤤
Now you'll just have to edit it and write a real post over it. :P
Huhu yeah ive got auto vote. I can write a shit post! :D