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RE: 一个抄袭steemit的网站

in #steempress6 years ago

This is the CEO.

Look at and see the team's linkedin pages. you can contact them to verify this SAAS project.

The company is registered in USA.@honoru 米高展现他神探的技巧,对weku来了一番调查。发现weku除了无耻抄袭steemit外,连公司地址、公司外观图片,开发团队,及开发团员的Linkedin 包括CEO都是假的。

You can post Chinese articles with Chinese tags. is for chinese community.


You did NOT answer 米高's question at all.


Why 无耻抄袭? Plagiarism is a big NO NO, no matter where the company is registered. If the CEO is in the USA, that's an even bigger shame for him.

Not sure what you mean here. It is an open-source tool. Please illustrate here and also look at our whitepaper to understand the differance and our vision.