How to Start an Exercise Program for Maximum Health Benefits

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)
Many folks make resolutions to lose weight and improve fitness. This can be a difficult time for those new to exercise. Learn how to workout safely.

One of the most popular resolutions is to lose weight and get back into shape. For those of you just getting into the work out scene, this can be a confusing time. Trying to understand the ins and outs of weight loss plus figuring out what equipment you will need can be a daunting task. Consider these steps to take when starting a fitness routine.


Consult a Physician before Starting any Exercise Program

The first step in any fitness routine is to be cleared by a physician before beginning an exercise program. This initial appointment will serve two very important purposes. First, your doctor will perform a full physical assessment to make sure that you are healthy enough for exercise. Believe it or not, not everyone is ready for a fitness routine. Some need to be started at a slower rate than others.

Secondly, your doctor will take your vital signs which will include your resting heart rate, your height and weight, and blood pressure. Each of these numbers can be affected by continued exercise and can be used as a gauge for your progress. There are also a number of at home kits that can be used to monitor your glucose and cholesterol numbers that can also serve as measures of your progress.

Start out Your Program Slowly

Your doctor probably discussed an exercise program with you during your initial visit. Many participants new to fitness and exercise make the common mistake of starting out too fast and exercising too vigorously the first few times out. This can be detrimental to a person’s exercise motivation as injuries and sore muscles can occur when being overzealous when beginning a routine. Take your time and build resistance and time to each workout slowly. This is your best bet to fending off injuries and keeping yourself healthy for exercise.

Find an Exercise Buddy

Lastly, consider getting a friend or family member interested in exercise and health with you. When people workout together, camaraderie can also serve as a motivator to exercise. Bouncing exercise tips off of each other and working out together builds strong bonds not only in friendship, but also with exercise.

Starting an exercise program doesn’t have to be a difficult process. Learning how to work out safely is the smartest and most beneficial ways to begin an exercise program and lose weight. Continue researching ways to lose weight and exercise properly. Many of the links on this page will provide excellent tips for helping you to lose weight and keep it off.


With exercise diet plays equal important role!!