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RE: - A Project We Should All Care About + Suggestions

in #steemprojects7 years ago

Gosh it's complicated isn't it ! I've been on Steemit a bit longer than you,since January 2017, but am still very naive on many aspects,particularly voting and commenting. I've been toddling along,happy in my ignorance.Brought up to think a vote was a tick,cross,or yes,no.Simples !

But no,there are so many voting strategies,that can affect how well your posts are received and rewarded. Belatedly I'm learning.

I do like Steemit and what it stands for.I don't understand what you mean about 'finding all your posts'.I searched for an old one of mine on my blog @ijavee by typing in it's title and up it came.

Obviously I'm missing something somewhere in the question you raise.But I have a good excuse - Anno Domini !


Hello! I agree with your approach. I think it's a lot of information in such a short time; but the idea is to go ahead, move forward and learn until you acquire the knowledge you need to be a good steemian, although there will always be limitations and obstacles to break down.

When I mean having a list of my posts available, it's something like Blogger, where you get classified by years and months, each post you've made. Thus, they can be easily found if you want to read them again or use information from them. Do you understand me now?

Thank you for commenting, I appreciate your point of view on the subject. Greetings....