^Neither .com nor .io appear to be owned by an established company. Rationale: IIRC any video uploaded will essentially be out there on the internet permanently, correct? It's fully decentralized (links, hash etc. in Steem blockchain, video in a decentralized medium)?
If that's the case maybe the name should focus on the permanency of it, given that is the main feature vs. centralized competitor platforms.
The alternative is to focus on the censorship resistance. Financial rewards are good but it doesn't differentiate from YouTube, at least the rewards aren't high enough yet.
Some others along the same thought lines:
Indestructible Video
I seem to recall there was someone in NAZI Germany who kept running a radio station despite the risk of being found and persecuted. I could be misremembering, or maybe there is a similar story in another authoritarian regime. If there was such a person/story, perhaps it could be named after them.
Immortal Video
Undying Video
liked the first one all the latter seem strange and unwelcoming :D everlasting sounds simple and precise others are slapped together :D