IC: "Yuck! That big-ass spider abomination is starting to get on my nerves!" she yells as Panda cuts her free again. "Time to return the favor..." she mutters as she speaks a small incantation to channel the Ley energy into her arrows.
I use 2 mana to increase my damage by 1 ❤️ and target the Big-Ass spider in attempt to slay the beast that keeps webbing her!
And pray this shot is a hit..
Pandora's turn summary: Spent 4 mana and inflicted 5❤️ worth of damage on the big-ass spider, and 1❤️ on a small spider.
Good shooting! The really huge spider is a “Giant Spider”, the small ones are called “Bigass Spiders”
Giant spider - 6❤️ Armor, 10 ❤️Health
Bigass Spider - 2❤️Absorption, 4❤️ Health
Their web strengths &bites are different also
Giant bite is 5❤️, Bigass bite is 1/2❤️
Giant web strength is 20, Bigass strength is 10
Ohh!!! You're right, I mistook them! When I opened the big-ass spider card I figured it was the big one due to the name!
Gee the Giant one is really powerful then... !! I guess we're not quite done killing it....
Thanks for being so perceptive and helpful !! It's hard to keep track of everything, especially when other players have made turns already and everything becomes all juggled :)
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 2.
A hit! Pandora hits the spider for a total of 2❤️ worth of damage
She channels more Ley energy and fires another shot at the Big-Ass spider. "Let's finish this one off!"
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 12.
Another hit! So another 2❤️ worth of damage to the spider.
This, coupled with the additional damage that the others inflicted on the big-ass spider should be enough to perhaps already kill it, but just for the sake of being sure it's dead, Pandora notches another arrow and shoots. Out of mana, it is a regular arrow.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 6.
Another 1❤️ worth of damage inflicted on the spider.
For my last action, I target one of the small spiders
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 6.