What do you need from me ? I am working on the base rules right now with items / races. I don’t have maps, images yet.....
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What do you need from me ? I am working on the base rules right now with items / races. I don’t have maps, images yet.....
Sorry, missed this reply.
Did you want the characters to be interchangeable between games, so the stats should be the same? (Str, Mind, Attack, Personality)
I can help with a basic rules set with skill trees for Science, Engineering, Combat, and Psi. I can probably create some common maps, like for the interior of the ship.
One thing I would like to see is a separate @ scanbot for the scifi game. Is it difficult to create an automated random thingie? And can/do you change the results of them from turn to turn?
Steem Trek hav a nice ring to it?
This is funny. I am already working on a scanbot and a combatbot.
Yes I was thinking of using the stats and was working science, engineering, medicine, security as skills. Psi is good.
Steem Trek is good.
Bots are not hard now that I have the base code down. Just a matter of adding items / tiers (common, uncommon, etc...)
The scanbot will take 30 minutes or so once we have the items we want in it.
We can also create different lists that I can swap out easily.
Example right now in SteemQuest I added compasss, fishing net, seaweed because we are at sea. I can change to a dungeon list in 2 mins because it is already created. So if in Steem Trek you post a new area and need a new scan list. It is any easy change.
Do you use discord ?
If not too much to ask. Could you do a Steem Trek logo ? I could use it to announce the game. Otherwise I’ll work up something. No worries.
I was thinking you would post from your account for the turns ? Is that your idea also ?
Awesome. I'll think of "treasure" type stuff. Rare elements, particles, and organic compounds to upgrade medical, armor, weapons, etc... Rather than have everyone have a laser (like Quaid), I'd like to see combat involve more hand-to-hand combat like Original Series Trek. I think about 50% of the time we'll hear "our phasers are useless, Keptin!"
I'm not on Discord, but you can email me at [email protected].
Yeah, I can post from my account to run the game.
How's this? Pretty quick job.