Thunk picks up his new sword and cautiously gives it a few test swings. “Hey... this feels good! It kinda looks like your arrows Quaid, only BIGGER! I can’t wait to test it out on some monsters.”
Thunk continues to swing the sword around getting used to the new feel. He pokes it this way and that narrowly missing Grim. “WHOAH! I didn’t see you there. Sorry about that.”
Thunk picks up his new sword and cautiously gives it a few test swings. “Hey... this feels good! It kinda looks like your arrows Quaid, only BIGGER! I can’t wait to test it out on some monsters.”
Thunk continues to swing the sword around getting used to the new feel. He pokes it this way and that narrowly missing Grim. “WHOAH! I didn’t see you there. Sorry about that.”
Thunk really likes this new sword so he @searchbot around for another gem...
You search the surrounding area and you find fishing net
How about you try to !swing it
You swing your weapon with a roll of 9
You pull back your bow and let loose an arrow with a roll of 8
hey..oo hi...long time no seen...have you seen my new nice...