SteemQuest Beta: Map (Part 1)

in #steemquest5 years ago

Welcome! to SteemQuest a RPG based board game

[New Players]
SteemQuest is an ongoing and growing RPG world here on Steem. New players are always welcome. Players can come and go as they desire, just let us know when you are leaving (say you are taking an IRL 2 week vacation) we will make sure your character is somewhere safe until you return (or Thunk may just cover you with leaves on the side of the road)

If you are New and want to join just reply to any active post with a character. I will create you a character card and add you

Here are the current rules:

Here is the link to the character cards showing all your bright and shiny stuff:

Here is the link to the monster cards:

Welcome everyone. Our current party is:

@sidekickmatt - Character Quaid @wren1221 - Character Thunk @darklands - Character Grim / as know as ‘not omar’ @basilmarples - Character Gylfi 'IronDog' Glimbjorn @agr8buzz - Character Zur @sarez - Character Khan

I will be posting a new turn every 48 hours to give players time to interact


story update banner.png

As the party is turning the tide against the Merfolk attack. A horn is sounded in the distance and the remaining Merfolk and sea trolls dive into the water, leaving the party exhausted and battered on the deck.

role playing.png


Khan you have Advanced to LEVEL 2 !!!!
You are granted a chest by me !

The knight cheers and opens his chest @chestbot

You slowly open the chest and discover Bracers

The knight says "Thunk you want these ??"

Aww shucks! Thanks little guy.

OOC- Sorry guys. I got really busy IRL.

Thunk is looking around dumbfounded at the chaos on deck. Rubbing his head he says, “I musta got a thunk on my noggin. QUAID, QUIT YER YELLING. Yer makin’ my head ache even more.” Thunk starts to swab the deck of all the muck and innards. @searchbot while cleaning up.

You search the surrounding area and you find chest

Hmmm. A chest. Let’s see what’s inside @chestbot

You slowly open the chest and discover Elven Longbow

Quaid will then take all the gizmos and papers and whatnot and see if I can get the ship back on course. C'mon Mind 3... @rolld20

"Hey, Sir Knight. Look over the starboard side and see if you can spot any of those Sea Elves that were fighting on our side for a bit..! Look out for trolls though! Someone reload that cannon that was fired! Some other body, swab that deck! It's covered with Merfolk innards and muck! If anyone needs some healing come see me or not-O... Grim! Then everyone give me a 'Gaaarrrr!'

“GAAAAAR! Ouch”. Thunk instantly regrets the impulsive response. “Shhhh my head hurts.”

OOC: We're out of Questing rules so I don't think it matters, I'll cast a heal on Thunk and then rest to restore Mana. Get back this many quarter-hearts: @rolld6

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 13.

The ocean currents roll @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 11.

Quaid: "Huh? Well now we know, if we just blow a horn, they'll leave us alone." Quaid will open his chest @chestbot

You slowly open the chest and discover Heavy Shield

Can I use a Heavy Shield with a bow?

nice shield you got there. if you cant use it maby your good friend grim can have it? if so next time a find something you need you can have it.

"You can have it. I try to spend most of my time far away from the things trying to kill us. Hey.... I see you found a couple of red gems, let's try to use those to boost a couple of our magic items, eh?"

oo a see you have the ability to do so? am a student in crafting and am reading a book on imbue. soon am able to do so.

Also consider our MAPR fund and MAPXV vote bonds too.
MAP Steem Fintech: growing your STEEM without SP.A member bonus $trendotoken tip for @simplegame from MAXUV!

4.14925538 TRDO2.76617025 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @maxuvv, you successfuly trended the post shared by @simplegame! @simplegame will receive & @maxuvv will get

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If this sounds like the sort of group you want to be a part of, click the image below! We're too OP to be put down!

This post has been upvoted by @opgaming. We like what you're posting, and we want to reward our members who produce quality content. Keep up the good work!

a see you not fealing well @wren1221 " Thunk". let me make you a fish stick it will make you feel better in a seconded. using the fish a have. shom on am trying to make a fish @rolltwodice

Ooc: it sems so nobodys is using the rolltwodice and its no longer active. maby using the rollthedice and say in a hit on 4.

trying to make the fish stick but for now a do a @searchbot

You search the surrounding area and you find treasure map

You search the surrounding area and you find chest

o hello there @chestbot

You slowly open the chest and discover red gem x2

nice a put them in y pocket

That works

lest try make the fish sticks @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

dang it a lost the fish in the fire.

Congrats! on your upvotes from the IBT Community

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